Monday, April 23, 2012

Working in H I


RMT = Raw Machine Translation
G = Google Translate
E = Excite Japan
B = Babelfish (now Yahoo)
YJ = Yahoo Japan



RMT-G: As the voyage progresses, things I learned about flying fish or what was.
Haiyan often seen at the same time.
Any area can be seen the same kind.
There is a change in the type of proceeding by sea.

RMT-E: What kind of thing was it that I understand about a flying fish as the voyage progressed?
It regards as 海燕 simultaneously in many cases.
The kind with every same ocean space is seen.
A kind has change by the ocean space to follow.

RMT-B: As navigation advances, was what is understood concerning the flying fish what kind of thing?
There is many a thing which is seen simultaneously with sea Tsubame.
Every sea area you can see the same type.
There is change in type depending upon the sea area where it advances.

RMT-YJ:As a voyage advanced, what kind of thing was it to have understood about a flying fish?
I am often seen with a Mother Carey's chick.
The same kind is seen in all sea areas.
A kind includes a change by a sea area to go ahead through.



RMT-G: Do I have any guidance in the School paintings.
Is to help the still seeping from his ability to draw children.
What are the technologies that form and perspective taking away from children.
We have depicted the artist's paintings modeled on the poet and fairy tales.

RMT-E: What kind of instruction am I doing by 画塾?
It is helping so that the power of drawing drawing from a child's own inside may boil.
A child's hand is taken and the technology of a form or perspective is taught.
The drawing of a poet or a writer of children's stories is made into a model, and is made to draw.

RMT-B: Have I done some kind of guidance at the picture private school?
In order for the power which draws the picture from midst of the child himself to boil it has helped.
Taking the hand of the child, you teach the technology of the forum and far method.
You make the picture of the poet and the fairy tale writer draw in model.

RMT-YJ: What kind of instruction do I do in a private painting school?
I help you so that power to describe an image in from child oneself is heated.
I take the hand of the child and teach a technique of form and the perspective drawing.
I let I make a model of the image of a poet and the writer of children's story and draw it.



RMT-G: The line, "My one hope" and what was.
Should have a tea house so soon, I hope of living in the rain getting wet.
Line of the trail to catch up and tinker with Amagi, dancer expectation that meet again.
Tomorrow will be staying in the hot springs that you can expect hot months.

RMT-E: What was "one expectation" of a line part and me?
Expectation which it does not get wet to rain since there must be a tea stall soon, but is called ね済む.
Expectation that it catches up with a traveling entertainer's party on the mountain path in Amagi, and can meet 踊子 once again.
Expectation that it can stay at a hot water ヶ field hot spring tomorrow.

RMT-B: The line section, “my one expectation” it was what?
Already because it is the expectation which immediately is Chaya, the expectation that it does not have don't you think? to get wet to the rain.
The expectation that it overtakes group of the jongleur on the Amagi mountain path, can meet to the dancer once more.
Tomorrow the hot water as for staying in the field hot spring the expectation that it is possible.

RMT-YJ: What was "one expectation" of line part, me?
Expectation that I finish rain にぬれずね because there should be a teahouse soon.
Expectation I catch up with the party of the itinerant entertainer by a mountain path of Amagi, and to be able to meet a dance girl once again.
Expectation to be able to stay at Yugano Onsen tomorrow.


RMT-G: Resting state of the dancer in the teahouse of the hill, or what has been expressed.
Richly drawn and exaggerated hair, feels like a daughter 絵姿 obsolete.
Livery coat of hot spring inn is suitably Nagaoka, snappy feel.
Hold down the drums, or feeling that the engineer and focus.

RMT-E: How is the situation of 踊子 from which it is absent in the tea stall of the peak expressed?
稗 which exaggerated hair richly and drew it -- touch like a historical daughter's 絵姿.
Energetic touch in which the mark short coat of the inn of the Nagaoka hot spring matches well.
Touch that move aside as [ 提げた ] and it is まぎ(ing) the drum.

RMT-B: Are circumstances of the dancer who has gone to bed with Chaya of the pass expressed how?
Exaggerating the hair richly, you drew, 稗 the feeling like the picture of the historical daughter.
The sign semi- 纏 of the inn of the Nagaoka hot spring matching, the feeling whose power is good.
While the drum is carried, the [do] coming [ma] [gi] the feeling which has been done.

RMT-YJ: How is the state of a dance girl taking a rest in the teahouse of the mountain pass expressed?
The feeling such as the portrait of the historical folk tale of China-like daughter who I exaggerated hair wealthily, and drew it.
The feeling that the energy has good suitability the livery of the inn of the Nagaoka hot spring.
The feeling that I am bewildered by with having hung a drum.



RMT-G: Section 1 line "central pillar" is actually what was.
霄殿 spiritual pillar.
Right middle finger of the Buddha.
Domari sky snow.

RMT-E: What was the line part 1 "central pillar" in fact?
Mr. 霊霄's pillar.
The middle finger on the right of Buddha.
Heavens die and it is どまり.

RMT-B: Line section 1 was the “central pillar” to tell the truth what?
Pillar of spirit 霄 lord.
Middle finger of right hand of buddha.
Up to going of heaven.

RMT-YJ: In fact, what was the line part 1 "central pillar?"
A pillar of 霊霄殿.
The middle finger of the right hand of the Buddha.
Of the sky come to a dead end.


RMT-G: Section 2 line "first pillar" is actually what was.
Buddha's left thumb.
Right little finger of Buddha.
Buddha's right thumb.

RMT-E: What was the line part 2 "it is Sakka's pillar most" in fact?
The thumb on the left of Buddha.
The little finger on the right of Buddha.
The thumb on the right of Buddha.

RMT-B: Line section 2 “most was the pillar of the eye” to tell the truth what?
Thumb of left hand of buddha.
Little finger of right hand of buddha.
Thumb of right hand of buddha.

RMT-YJ: In fact, what was "the first line part 2 pillar?"
The thumb of the left hand of the Buddha.
The little finger of the right hand of the Buddha.
The thumb of the right hand of the Buddha.



RMT-G: Hans began to talk with the principal or any attitude.
Attitude which possess a friend of his father.
Flare-up attitude will lose the right decision.
Indifferent attitude no ounce of kindness.

RMT-E: In what kind of attitude did a principal begin to talk with Hans?
An attitude [ like the friend of a rate ] whose father is.
The attitude which was roused to anger and lost the right judgment.
A cool attitude without a hint of tenderness.

RMT-B: Did the principal start speaking with [hansu] with some attitude?
The attitude like the father alternate friend.
Whether, the attitude which to become the [tsu] loses correct judgment.
The cool attitude which is not either the fragment of kindliness.

RMT-YJ: What kind of manner has the principal begun to talk with Hans in?
The manner like the friend as a substitute for father.
The manner that I flew into rage, and lost a right judgment.
The cold manner that does not have the fragment of the gentleness.


RMT-G: Changed the attitude of the principal at the end Why?
I cherish the friendship and all of Hairuna only with Hans, the idea amended.
Hans refused a proposal from the principal of and distance to place Hairuna.
Hans, the principal did a desirable answer.

RMT-E: Why is it that the principal's attitude finally changed?
Because the idea was changed when it was すべけ carefully about the friendship of Hans and high ルナー.
Because Hans refused the proposal of the principal "keep distance from from [ high ]."
Because Hans gave the answer desirable for a principal.

RMT-B: Is the fact that attitude of the principal changes lastly why?
When it is the [be] [ke] which makes the friendship of [hansu] and [hairuna] important, because thought was changed.
In that [hairuna] and distance is put in place, because [hansu] cut off the proposition of the principal who is said.
Because desirably [hansu], replied for the principal.

RMT-YJ: Finally why is it that the manner of the principal changed?
Because I changed にすべけだと important by the friendship of the high Lunar, a thought to Hans.
Because Hans declined the suggestion of the principal to put a high Lunar and distance.
Because Hans gave answer that I was desirable for the principal.



RMT-G: For the lines, not only the first five hastily Why is this.
From it while on vacation.
From baby's.
The cat's.

RMT-E: Why is it that this fifth person is not panicked about a line part?
Because it is on vacation.
Because it is a baby.
Because it is a cat.

RMT-B: Concerning the line section, is the fact that just these five public attention are not flurried why?
Therefore during holiday.
Therefore baby.
Therefore cat.

RMT-YJ: About a line part, why is what only this fifth is not upset by?
During a holiday therefore.
Because it is a baby.
Because it is a cat.


RMT-G: Peter, how do we capture when I go to William.
So worried about falling off the shelf.
You can relax in the warm house envy.
The diet is pretty poor Moraenaku.

RMT-E: How has Peter arrested William who saw when he went out?
It is likely to fall from a shelf and anxious.
It is enviable that he can feel relieved in a warm house.
A meal cannot be got easily and pitiful.

RMT-B: Has Peter, when going out, how caught William who was seen?
It may fall being from the shelf, you worry.
It is envious to be possible freely and easily at the warm house.
Very, not be able to receive the meal, [te] pitiful.

RMT-YJ: How does Peter arrest William who looked when I go out?
I seem to fall from the shelf and am anxious.
I am envious that I can take it easy in a warm house.
I do not readily get a meal, and I feel sorry.



RMT-G: In drawing me, I was given nothing.
Be removed from the cycle of reincarnation.
To become an angel.
Chance of re-challenge.

RMT-E: What was given me in the lottery?
Be removed from the cycle of Samsara.
Become an angel.
The chance of a re-challenge.

RMT-B: As for me it could give something at the time of pulling out selection?
It is removed from the cycle of metempsychosis.
It becomes the angel.
Chance of re-challenge.

RMT-YJ: What was given me in a lottery?
What is avoided from a cycle of the samsara.
Become an angel.
The chance of the re-challenge.


RMT-G: ① has tried to withdraw a I Why?
From the circle of angels seen Purapura overhead.
The lower bound is again the float that was left was to go back 世Dzuka.
I am satisfied enough from past lives.

RMT-E: Why is it that I tried to decline ??
Because the angel's ring could not be seen on the head of プラプラ.
Because transitory world づかれ of not wanting to return to a nether world again remained.
Because it is satisfied with the last world enough.

RMT-B: Me①Is what it tries to refuse why?
Because the wheel of the angel was not visible over [purapura].
Because worldly [zu] he that remained two degrees we would not like to return to lower bound.
Because it is being completely satisfied with previous life.

RMT-YJ: Why is it that I was going to decline ①?
Because it did not show the ring of the angel on a head of the plastic plastic.
Because fatigue caused by world to want to never return to this world was left.
Because I am satisfied enough in previous existence.



RMT-G: And "dispose of" is, what is it specifically to do.

RMT-E: How is "it disposes" making it concrete?

RMT-B: “It deals with”, it is how to do concretely?

RMT-YJ: Is it that you would do what specifically "to dispose?"



RMT-G: In the feast if there are some sleeping pills, animals, and wake up from sleep, strangled, since they will not be I was put on the neck.

RMT-E: If the hypnotic is contained in entertainment and animals awake out of ねむり, because it will be applied to a head and will be strangled to death by たなわ.

RMT-B: The sleeping pill being included in treat, the animal, don't you think? when you awaken from the excessiveness, was put on the neck, because the 絞 [me] you are killed with the [wa].

RMT-YJ: Because when a sleeping drug is included in the feast, and the animals come out of a sleep, I am strangled to death by a rope hung to the neck.



RMT-G: Please answer the reason for the "picking up every one of them picking up the waste straw left of the elephant."
Because at the zoo had decided to starve the elephant, because it gave the food was violated so that do not do it.

RMT-E: Answer the reason of "all gathering one 藁屑 which the elephant gathered and it left."
Since it was using starving an elephant in a zoo, in order to keep having given the food in violation of it from doing. 

RMT-B: “Picking up the elephant the straw rubbish which is left one do not remain and pick up” the reason answer.
Because in the zoo we had decided to be starved to death the elephant, because that tries it does not do, that the feed which violates to that is given.

RMT-YJ: "I all pick up the waste straw which did not finish picking it up of the elephant", and answer for の reason.
Because because it was a custom to starve an elephant at the zoo, it prevents you from doing it to have fed it meal which I violated.



RMT-G: Why did the boy asked, and "? Put you seem fine to me" why. Using the words in the last paragraph, please answer briefly.

RMT-E: a boy -- why -- " -- じゃ -- moreover, it puts in -- " -- did it ask? Answer briefly using the language in the last paragraph.

RMT-B: The boy inserts, why “, in addition?”With it is to ask? Making use of the word in last conclusion, answer briefly.

RMT-YJ: Why did the boy visit when "he could hold it again じゃ?" Using the words of last paragraphs, answer briefly.



RMT-G: The first time realized that the boy was buried What is moat.

RMT-E: What is what the boy realized only after the moat was filled?

RMT-B: The trench being buried, is what the boy realizes for the first time what?

RMT-YJ: What is it that a boy realized only after a trench is buried?



RMT-G: At the same joy that beauty 猴王 very nervous, you know what from. What is the order of sentence served, and answer two.
But the hermit has finally arrived at the government-dong,
The hermit

RMT-E: What kind of thing shows that 美猴王 becomes it tense by one side of joy very much?
Answer "Two meet in order of a text."
It arrived at 洞府 in which a hermit is at last,
To a hermit

RMT-B: With one side of the joy, beauty 猴 as for the king having become tense very, it is understood from some thing? Following huh the [te], two answer to the order of composition.
At last, although it arrived to the cave prefecture where Sein is,
In Sein

RMT-YJ: What kind of thing is it revealed that 美猴王 is tense very much by one of the joy from? When it is 沿 えって, two answers in order of a sentence.
At last though I arrived at the sinus prefecture where a hermit was,
To a hermit



RMT-G: The left arm and tries to Tobikoeyo the Kido or trying to break the fence, was quite popular at night and energetic.

RMT-E: and -- if night comes, サワン tends to try to break a fence or tends to jump over Kido -- very much -- energy -- it was prosperous.

RMT-B: When and it is night, [sawan] it tries probably to tear the fence will be jumped over that Kido, was very vigorous active.

RMT-YJ: And when it was night, サワン was going to tear a fence and was going to fly over a wicket, and spirit were very prosperous.


RMT-G: Order not to escape the left arm, I Answer, how did other than ②.

RMT-E: In order not to make サワン flee, answer [ what I did in addition to ?, and ].

RMT-B: Because it does not escape [sawan],②I how it did, answer other than.

RMT-YJ: Answer how I had it any place other than ,② because I do not let サワン escape.



RMT-G: This article, what do you end with a sentence. Choose the best one from among the following, please enclose the symbol ○.
Lost on the eve of the decision.
Determination to continue the search for the left arm.
I am hopeful guess.

RMT-E: As what kind of one sentence has this text finished it?
Choose the optimal thing from the following and surround a sign by O.
Illusion to the decision of the previous night.
The decision to continue the search of サワン.
My wishful guess.

RMT-B: It has ended this composition, in what kind of one sentence? Choose optimum ones from midst of the following, surround the sign with the ○.
The perplexity for the determination of eve.
The determination which continues the search of [sawan].
My desired presumption.

RMT-YJ: What kind of one sentence is this sentence over in? I choose the most suitable thing from next, and surround the sign in ○.
A hesitation for the determination of the previous night.
The determination that continues searching サワン.
My hopeful guess.



RMT-G: I ~A, University of Kyoto something and then quit again, sought a private university, Kana ......
I ~A, and then to quit something other university in Kyoto, Kyoto Kana sought from the University of ......
I ~A, and then to quit something other university in Kyoto, Kana undergo a local university ......

RMT-E: me -- carry out for already stopping the university in Kyoto, etc., and receive a private university -- kana ァ ....
me -- carry out for already stopping the university in Kyoto, etc., and receive the university in Kyoto -- Kana ァ -- --
me -- carry out for already stopping the university in Kyoto, etc., and receive a local university -- Kana ァ -- --

RMT-B: We, university something of Kyoto already to stopping, to receive the university of private, kana [a] ......
We, university something of Kyoto already to stopping, to receive the Kyoto university, kana [a] ......
We, university something of Kyoto already to stopping, to receive the university of local end, kana [a] ...... 

RMT-YJ: Cancel it, and, me, a university of Kyoto already receive a private university; kana ァ ……
Cancel it, and, me, a university of Kyoto already receive a university of Kyoto; kana ァ ……
Cancel it, and, me, a university of Kyoto already receive a local university; kana ァ ……


RMT-G: The author, "She appears to work for failing to take, Do not get me, such as phone anymore, he explained were cut off phone with a crash she said" has described the surprise, that the story as or.
Strange pale memory loss.
One of many similar cases lie.
The only unexpected lie also forgive yourself.

RMT-E: a writer -- "-- she failed in the examination and it has appeared in work -- it wants without already telephoning -- it was explained that it said so and rang off sharply -- " -- is what it spoke about like commented to be what?
失 -- strange light memory.
An example of the lie of the same many.
The lie which he cannot allow uniquely, either.

RMT-B: As for the writer, “as for her failing in entrance examination, it has appeared in serving, another telephone and the like without doing, we want, so saying, when you hung up [gachiyan] and the telephone, it explained”, the way is the fact that you spoke commented, something?
The memory whose losing change is faint.
One example of similar many lie.
The only, the lie which you cannot permit even by your.

RMT-YJ: What has the writer "she fails in examination and goes for a work, already described that I do not do it say so, and moth のように which I explained when hung up properly talked such as telephones" as?
Light memory of 失変.
Similar much false example.
A lie not to be able to permit myself alone.



RMT-G: "Fish is representing the whole body and extending from the surface to rise, had dived into the inside of the water also immediately" to the behavior of the fish, such as the old man or what was your impression.
It's as if the old man is because I like to hold up.
It's as if the old man is right to help though.
It's as if the old man is to show the size of the fish itself though.

RMT-E: What kind of impression did the old man have to action of a fish like "having expressed the whole body, as the fish extends and went up from the water surface, but having gone underwater into water immediately again"?
It seems that it is for making an old man become conceited completely.
It seems that it is for helping an old man's right hand completely.
It seems that it is for showing an old man a fish's own size completely.

RMT-B: “The fish extended from the water surface and displayed the entire body to rise, but immediately and the [gu] [tsu] [te] you put away even in the water”, did the old person have what kind of impression vis-a-vis the conduct of the fish the way?
Quite in order to make the old person be conceited, it seems like whether is of.
Quite in order to help the right hand of the old person, it seems like whether is of.
Quite in order to show fish itself size to the old person, it seems like whether is of.

RMT-YJ: "The fish showed a whole body as if stretching its neck from the surface of the water, but I sank in water again immediately and did it, and what kind of impression did the old man have for the action of the fish such as the hold?"
This seems to be because it seems to let an old man totally conceit.
This seems to be because it totally helps the right hand of the old man.
This seems to be because it totally shows an old man size of fish oneself.


RMT-G: The old man, What do you think about yourself and each fish.
The nobility and respectable but better on their own, is more wisdom on the fish.
Is fine but on the nobility and the fish better, wisdom is better on their own.
Both in terms of fineness and nobility, both in terms of wisdom, and your fish are neck and neck.

RMT-E: How does the old man think of himself, respectively? [ a fish and ]
As for wisdom, in itself's way, the way of a top of a fish is [ nobleness and magnificence ] a top but.
As for wisdom, in the way of a fish, the way of a top of itself's is [ nobleness and magnificence ] a top but.
A fish and a one are equal also in respect of the point of nobleness and magnificence, or wisdom.

RMT-B: Does the old person how think respectively the fish concerning by his?
It is noble, but with as for credit your own one on, as for intelligence the fish on.
It is noble, but with as for credit the fish on, as for intelligence your own one on.
Nobly with in the point of credit and, the fish by his is even in the point of intelligence.

RMT-YJ: How does the old man think about fish and oneself each?
When is Ketaka, as for the excellence, oneself is the top,; but, as for the wisdom, a fish is the top.
When is Ketaka, as for the excellence, a fish is the top,; but, as for the wisdom, oneself is the top.
When it is Ketaka, even a point of the excellence is a point of the wisdom, but fish and oneself are equal.



RMT-G: A day's work in the juvenile training school, did not decide how.
Dig a hole the size of one was decided by myself.
Dig a hole as large as possible to cooperate with everyone.
Dig a hole until you find something unusual things.

RMT-E: How did it opt for the work on the first in a reformatory?
The hole of the size decided one alone is dug.
It cooperates all together and digs the biggest possible hole.
A hole is dug until it finds the thing unusual [ some ].

RMT-B: Was work of one day with boy institute decided how?
The hole of the size which alone, one is decided is dug.
Cooperating with everyone, be as big as possible you dig the hole.
Until something those which change are found, the hole is dug.

RMT-YJ: How was the one-day work in the reform school decided?
I dig the hole of one fixed size alone.
I cooperate together and dig the hole as big as possible.
I dig the hole until I find something strange.


RMT-G: I can not escape from a juvenile training school Why is According to Mr. Sir.
From being shot with a gun and tries to escape.
Because there is a tall fence.
There is water in it because it's a hundred square miles here.

RMT-E: Why cannot escape from a reformatory according to Mr. sir?
If it is going to escape, because it will be shot by a gun.
Because there is a tall fence.
it is here that there is water at 100 mile around -- since it is て.

RMT-B: According to Mr. sir is the fact that it cannot escape from boy institute why?
When it tries to escape because it is shot with the gun.
Because there is a fence where the back is high.
Therefore as for being water with hundred mile four sides the [te] which here is.

RMT-YJ: Why is it that it is not escaped from the reform school according to the Mr. Sir?
Because it is shot with a gun when going to escape.
Because there is a tall fence.
Because, as for I am 100 miles square, and there being water, here is for show.



RMT-G: Choose the right one as a feeling of the author when in contact with the juvenile delinquents.
×To resuscitate this child, or what measures would be considered.
Whether it is really a bad boy I do not know this child.
This child rather than bad, mother would do this in cause it became.

RMT-E: Choose the thing right as a feeling in case a writer touches a juvenile delinquent.
×What kind of measure can be considered in order to pull back this child?
There is no telling whether to be that this child is a really bad boy.
Probably this child is not bad and has become like this owing to a mother.

RMT-B: When the writer touches with the juvenile delinquent, choose correct ones as a feeling.
×To make this child, you probably can think some measure?
Whether or not it is the boy where this child is bad truly, it is not understood.
It does not mean that this child is bad, the mother becomes like this with cause.

RMT-YJ: Choose the right thing as a feeling when the writer contacts a juvenile delinquent.
×What kind of measures will be thought about to let this child recover himself/herself?
I do not know whether this child is a really bad boy.
This child was not bad and has become for mother in this way.



RMT-G: Of "in me that only once a fledgling for the kids" "one time", or was any time.
To indicate that the delayed transfer test, when you ran to the school.
×Transfer test immediately after the surgery in the cecum, a pinch runner when you actually exercise my studies.
In a dream, when it receives a test of my gymnastics instead.

RMT-E: At what kind of time was it "1 time" of "having started running only once for a child"?
In order to tell that it is late for an entrance examination for transfer students, when it runs to a school.
×When pinch-running of me is actually carried out by gymnastic examination by the entrance examination for transfer students immediately after a cecum operation.
When a gymnastic examination is taken instead of me in a dream.

RMT-B: “Just one time it has run out for the child”, “was one time” at the time of what kind of?
When in order to inform about the fact that it is late to examination for admission, running to the school.
×When with examination for admission immediately after the appendix operation, really doing my generation running with test of gymnastics.
When in dream, taking the test of gymnastics to my substituting.

RMT-YJ: What kind of time was の "one time" which "had begun to run for a child once?"
When I ran to a school to inform that I was late for an entrance examination for admission for transfer students.
×When, in the entrance examination for admission for transfer students just after the appendix operation, I really worked as my pinch runner in the examination of exercises.
When, in a dream, I took the examination of exercises in place of me.



RMT-G: Husband instruction was conveyed in the emergency summons, on "What is hell," What was the contents of what.
That in the trunk of emergency, put your luggage packed.
Within a volume of ravages of war must not, can leave in a hurry from the new Kyoto.
×Units can be clustered to watch elephants at the southern end of the new Kyoto, the whole family.

RMT-E: What kind of contents were the commands to which the husband was told by the emergency summons about "what on earth it is"?
A load is stuffed into the suitcase of extraordinary carrying out.
Leave from a new capital in a hurry before becoming a volume of ravages of war.
×Gather all families to view 象台 at the southernmost end of a new capital.

RMT-B: “Just it is what?”, was the order to which the husband can convey with emergency call concerning, some kind of contents?
In the trunk of the emergency bringing up, stuff the baggage.
While, becoming volume of fire and sword hurrying, evacuate from new capital.
×Have the whole family meet, to the view elephant stand which to the south edge of new capital is.

RMT-YJ: "On earth what kind of contents was the order that a husband was introduced into by an emergency call what it was?"
Packing baggage into the trunk of the emergency takeout.
Move out hastily from the new capital before it becomes the winding of the war damage.
×In the whole family, the new capital is at the south end; watch it, and letting gather to an elephant stand.



RMT-G: From car convoy, it said that the scenery through a fence line for assistance would?
Rice said the envy, admiration to "outside there is a color" and somewhat.
"Said Choi ~Tsu" represents the rebellious to the outside world was lively and bloom.
While impressed by the landscape of color, had quietly packed his look at the inner surface.

RMT-E: Which is that has described the scene about 行助 over a wire net from the patrol wagon?
Envy was put and it said a little exclamatory, ", outside, a color is."
The resistance to the lively external world where a flower blooms was expressed, and it was called "ちぇ ッ."
It is 視つめていた about its inside calmly, being impressed by scenery with Aya.

RMT-B: From the paddy wagon, is what wire net dying view is expressed concerning line help which?
Including envy, some exclamatory “there is a color outside”, that you said.
Displaying opposing to the outside world which is made becoming lively where the flower blooms you called “[chi] [e] [tsu]”.
While being impressed to the scenery which has the 彩, apparent you stuffed your own inside gently.

RMT-YJ: From a patrol wagon over wire netting scenery a line assistant; 述 べているのはどれですか where is.
With envy, I said, "there was a color for exclaiming forth" somewhat.
I expressed resistance to the outside world that I did lively where a flower bloomed and said with "ちぇ ッ".
I squeezed up calmly to see one's inside while being impressed by scenery with 彩.


RMT-G: I was told as part of the auxiliary line, from the other boy "I asked where academic excellence of Mejiro Gakushuin, a diploma of your well-behaved, Tama now go on to reformatory" Why?
To pass the exam, because if that was supposed to go on to the original Gakushuin.
×In line with the boy and the other assistant, was different from the contents of the sins committed.
Reformatory feed against a person, from using the word "you".

RMT-E: Why is it that 行助 was said like the part of "scientific superiority and a method of behavior positive diploma being got in Gakushuin of Mejiro, and being just going to go on to the Tama reformatory after this" from other boys?
If it passed the examination, and it was original, because it must have gone on to Gakushuin.
×Because the contents of the committed crime were different in other boys and 行助とs.
Because the word "you" was used to the person of reformatory sending.

RMT-B: Line help, from the other boy “receives the scientific excellence and your conduct Masatada's diploma with Gakushuin of the Japanese white-eye, from now on enters the Tama boy institute the place where”, like the section is what it was said why?
Passing to test, if originally because it was the expectation which enters Gakushuin.
×Because in the other boy and line help, contents of the crime which is committed were different.
Vis-a-vis the person of the boy institute sending, because the word which is called “you” was used.

RMT-YJ: "I get arts and sciences excellence, a certificate of the correctitude at the House of learning of Mejiro, and why is what was said to be it like region of entrance into a school of higher grade するところだ from now on in the Tama reform school" from line assistant が, other boys?
Because I passed an examination and should have originally entered the House of learning.
×Because line assistant とでは, the contents of the crime that I committed were different from other boys.
Because, for a person of the reform school forwarding, I used the word "you."



RMT-G: Excuse me for suspected wrong the word, who did want beauty.
Male police station.
×Apparently people in a department store clerk.
Did anyone apologize.

RMT-E: Who is 託びました to the impoliteness which made a mistake in and suspected げん?
Police station man.
×The person in character with the official in charge of a department store.
Nobody was mistaken.

RMT-B: Someone the entrusting [bi] increased the [ge] it is vis-a-vis the impoliteness which is doubted by mistake?
Police station man.
×The clerk in charge of the department store the person who seems.
No one mistook.

RMT-YJ: For the rudeness that げんを mistake doubted, who is message びましたか.
Of the police station man.
×The person like the person in charge of the department store.
Nobody apologized.



RMT-G: "I increasingly have come Shasharide Nakaniwa author describes the way that it was my intention. However, such description is usually boring. That is,. Is boring than reading the reader is" optimal as a means of Select from the following address - will things, please enclose the symbol ○.
Shasharide intent of the work without the author is not known.
○Work is beyond the intent of the author.
There are many who are unfamiliar with joint review of boring reading.

RMT-E:"It is explained that the author who pushes himself forward by saying is in inside, and that my intention was like this. But such explanation is boring mostly. That is, it is what is pettier than what readers have read. Choose the thing optimal as a meaning which is " from the next ア ? ウ, and surround the sign by O.
the intention of a work -- the author -- しゃ -- if it is not rice, it does not understand.
○The work is over the intention of the author.
While it is unfamiliar to a joint review, there is much petty reading.

RMT-B: The writer who comes out being “in, don't you think?, that like this was, it explains my intention. So, such explanation mostly is trivial. In other words, it is to be more trivial than those which the reader has grasped.”Choose optimum ones from next [a] ~ [u] as a meaning, surround that sign with the ○.
Intention of the work not being, the writer it is not understood.
○The work exceeds the intention of the writer.
While being inexperienced to joint review, trivial reading is many.

RMT-YJ: "I explain that author がいましてね where なかにはしゃしゃり comes out to, my intention were like that". But mostly such an explanation is dull. In other words I am worthless than the thing which a reader reads. I choose the most suitable thing among the next a - cormorant as の meaning, and surround the sign in ○.
When an author does not thrust himself/herself, I do not understand the intention of the work.
○The work is beyond the intention of the author.
While I am inexperienced in a joint review, there is much dull reading.



RMT-G: In haiku, it is considered to diverse assortment of relationship but Why?

RMT-E: Why is it in a haiku poem that the relation of what was arranged is considered variously?

RMT-B: Regarding haiku, is what you can think the relationship of those which it makes scramble variously why?

RMT-YJ: In the haiku, why is it that the relations of the thing which I mixed are thought about variously?



RMT-G: And "paradoxical" in this case, the paradoxical What do you mean that.

RMT-E: What kind of thing is as paradoxical as "paradoxical" in this case?

RMT-B: "Is paradox", in this case, that some thing is paradox?

RMT-YJ: Are this case, what kind of thing paradoxical "to be paradoxical?"



RMT-G: The character of "depression" of the first two neck of Hisashi Kagawa, two things have been represented. What is it. Please answer on the cross three from each of two cross.

RMT-E: Two matters are expressed by the character of the "depression" of the second poem. [ of Hisa Kagawa ] What is it? Answer by 30 characters from 20 characters, respectively.

RMT-B: Two matters are expressed “鬱” to the letter of the second neck of Kagawa [hisa]. Is that what? From two crosses answer respectively with three crosses.

RMT-YJ: In a character of "the depression" of the second poem of Kagawa ヒサ, two matters are expressed. What is it? Answer each in 30 characters from 20 characters.













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